Android Development Online Training

Android Development course is primarily designed for programmers who want to learn how to create applications in Android. You will create widgets, Customize List view, Grid view, Spinners etc., create applications using audio, video and SQLite database and finally publish it on Google Play.
The goal of Android Application Development Training course is to provide developers easy and complete understanding of the Android Application Development with our Online and Class Room Training. The Android Training course provides a series of sessions & Lab Assignments which introduce and explain Android features that are used to code, debug and deploy Mobile Applications.

Android Development Online Training

Introduction to Android

  • What is Android and Why android?
  • Android vs iPhone
  • Android market
  • Types of prjs
  • Clients
  • Software requirement
  • Core java concepts

What is android?

  • Versions of Android
  • Architecture
  • Components

Install android s/w in eclipse

  • Setting android path
  • Creating emulator
  • Hello world program
  • apk file
  • Manifeast file


Widgets: text views, Edit texts, Buttons, Radio buttons, Check box, Image view
Attributes: color, Size, Background, Gravity

Functionalities for the widgets

  • On click
  • Operations


  • Sms
  • Email
  • Contacts
  • Camera
  • Gallery
  • Manifest file

Values passing b/w to activities

  • Activity
  • service life cycle


  • List views
  • Spinners
  • Grid view
  • gallery views

More Topics

  • Menus & toast
  • Dialogs
  • Tabs & shared preferences
  • Media player
  • Layout Inflater
  • service & Assets
  • broad cast receivers
  • Animations
  • video view
  • SQLITE example
  • network check
  • Web views
  • Google search
  • url parsering
  • google maps
  • video view
  • app upload into maket
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